Dark Gates - 0.7
RPG game inspired by "Death Maze/ Labirynt Smierci"
Bartosz Debski
First update in 2014 finally arrived. This time we have got a bunch of new stuff so let's see what new release have on offer.
Fight avatars
Finally all playable heroes have their own avatars while in fight. That was the last thing on the list which was holding other changes to be looked at. No more black silhouettes. Original game art is finally complete.
Special skills
This is probably the most interesting change in this release. Some monster have gained special abilities which will change how you fight against those monsters. Those special abilities will either affect your heroes or it will help monster in the fight. What are those abilities you ask ?
- Hydra - If wounded, agility increases +1 with each turn, which in the end increases damage of Hydra's attack,
- Kronk - They smell so badly that affected heroes are -2 on agility. Hero ability to not be affected by smell depends on resistance stat.
- Troll - If wounded, Trolls can heal themselves (+1) on every each third turn.
- Spider - while facing a spider, heroes needs to watch out for spider web. On each turn spider extrudes web towards all heroes. Each hero if affected will lose ability to perform an attack. Ability to deflect this web depends again on resistance stat.
- Gorgon - It can turn peoples into stones. If hero in front row, middle position will fall under the spell it will be out of the fight. Hero still can be killed. Ability to deflect depend on resistance stat.
- Sorcerer & Unnamed - They will cast an lightning spell instead of normal attack. They will do so until casting another spell will kill them.
Other stuff
New elements to Fight arena UI has been added. Information about the current phase of the battle and effects that are in place are placed on left top corner for the screen. This release also introduces permanent death to heroes regardless of which difficulty you are playing on. Previously a killed hero could have been selected again. This no longer possible. Stats for most of the heroes and few monsters has been touched to provide a more balanced gameplay. Few additions also has been made to game sounds department and a new spell "Mass Heal" is available to be selected.
Changelog - Release 0.7.0
New: In fight avatars: All Zebest, Alryk, Curvenol, Dalmilandril, Dierdra, Eodred, Maytwist, Gwaigilion, Sliggoth, Gislan, Larraka, Linfalas, Theregond, Weldron,
New: Monsters (Hydra, Kronk, Troll, Spider, Gorgon, Sorcerer, Unnamed) have special skills/spells which affect fight,
New: Permadeath - Killed heroes no longer can be selected back into party when continuing saved game,
New: Doors are now displayed on corridor tiles,
New: Enhanced fight screen UI,
New: Sounds for Female heroes, Spider, Warg/Werewolf,
New: Dark Gates are visible on mini map after placement.
New: Spell - Mass Heal
Change: Adjustments in frame rate to make menus more responsive
Change: Monsters and heroes stats adjustment.
Version 0.7.0 will be available on 11th of April.
- Home Page
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com/
- Source
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com
- Windows
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com
Dark Gates 0.1.1 alpha — 12 Jan, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1 alpha — 8 Jan, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1.2 alpha — 31 Jan, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1.3 alpha — 24 Feb, 2012
Dark Gates 0.2.0 alpha — 30 Jul, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1a — 26 Jul, 2010
Dark Gates 0.4.0 — 5 Apr, 2013
Dark Gates 0.2.1 alpha — 29 Oct, 2012
Dark Gates 0.3.0 — 21 Jan, 2013
Dark Gates 0.3.1 — 6 Feb, 2013
Dark Gates 0.4.1 — 26 Apr, 2013
Dark Gates 0.5.0 — 29 Oct, 2013
Dark Gates 0.6.0 — 27 Dec, 2013
Dark Gates 0.4.2 — 11 Jul, 2013
Dark Gates 0.8.0 — 10 Jun, 2014
Pygame.org account Comments
Mekire 2012-10-29 09:01
A little disappointed that you have decided to ask for money for this already. Was looking forward to seeing what improvements you had made.
Kaliber64 2012-11-11 11:07
The movement does look a little sluggish. But looks really cool. I love random. I also love games that never end but can remain fun and always evolving. Games that basically make their own content as you go. Really hard to balance though.
Margaruga 2013-03-03 10:47
Great, I like it
Your MOM! 2013-04-07 07:55
You should make a demo version. Or a cutoff without payment. I mean Its obvious that you put a lot of work into it, but that doesnt mean its worth 10 bucks to me (or even 7 on sale). A demo version might get me hooked and wanting more, willling to sacrifice 10 bucks just to check it out. I mean currently as is, i would fork over 2-3 bucks to check it out, but with only a video to watch, i wouldnt go higher. I mean you just recently added a save feature to it. This game looks like it has potential, and thus the only reason i wrote this comment. Just giving my two cents.
Braqoon 2013-04-14 15:37
Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes, there will be a demo in near feature when I will finish all the art. There is a full version 0.2 in meantime if you want to see how it works. core mechanics are there but bugs as well :).
Forgot to mention, Dark Gates are now on sale till the end of April.
metulburr 2013-12-29 05:40
As much as i disagree with the price, i voted for it to get on steam. Maybe if it gets on steam you would consider a reduced price for a deal at that point.