Dark Gates - 0.4.2
RPG game inspired by "Death Maze/ Labirynt Smierci"
Bartosz Debski
Update 0.4.2 brings big art update, number of new features, bug fixes and improvements based on feedback. As mentioned in earlier releases, current work is focused on bringing in missing art and making sure there is no game braking bugs. So let's shed some light on what this release has to offer.
Finally all heroes have avatars. No longer black & white generic faces. Each hero's avatar has been hand drawn and only piece of art that is missing now in Dark Gates is heroes representations in fight screen. This is aimed to be done within next release. Also please welcome a new hero - Matthias. He is a unique character as this is only hero that have a single weapon. His longsword requires two hands, but damage is grater that regular one handed sword. Matthias is a winner of indiebundle.com competition, please make sure he is well used in game as he needs some practice.
This release also features new German translation by Thomas Faust. Work also has been done to open language files to anyone who wants to contribute and translate Dark Gates to his/her native language. For quick tutorial please go here
Bug fixes & speed improvements based on feedback
Thanks to your feedback, reviews and some testing, three quite big bugs has been fixed. Hopefully that means no more crashes to OS. I had lot's of feedback about how slow main exploration of labyrinth is. With this release speed of movement has been increased so exploration is now much faster. Of course feedback on this change is also much appreciated.
As there seems to be now season for sales, Dark Gates  will be not left behind. Game is 50% off till the end of July. Have a great summer.
Full changelog for release 0.4.2 alpha
New: All remaining heroes now have avatars.
New: Hero Matthias - Winner of indiebundle.com competition.
New: Longsword (two-handed) weapon.
New: Community based language files now can be used, see HOWTO.txt in lang folder.
New: German translation
Bugfix: Stairs down on level 3 are wrongly placed ( there is nothing down past level 3)
Bugfix: Game crash while in fight when heroes attack
Bugfix: Re-done language selection in options in order to support user-generated translations
Bugfix: Game will start without settings.cfg file and will use default settings
- Home Page
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com/
- Source
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com
- Windows
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com
- Mac
- http://darkgates.dfourgames.com
Dark Gates 0.1.1 alpha — 12 Jan, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1 alpha — 8 Jan, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1.2 alpha — 31 Jan, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1.3 alpha — 24 Feb, 2012
Dark Gates 0.2.0 alpha — 30 Jul, 2012
Dark Gates 0.1a — 26 Jul, 2010
Dark Gates 0.4.0 — 5 Apr, 2013
Dark Gates 0.2.1 alpha — 29 Oct, 2012
Dark Gates 0.3.0 — 21 Jan, 2013
Dark Gates 0.3.1 — 6 Feb, 2013
Dark Gates 0.4.1 — 26 Apr, 2013
Dark Gates 0.5.0 — 29 Oct, 2013
Dark Gates 0.6.0 — 27 Dec, 2013
Dark Gates 0.4.2 — 11 Jul, 2013
Dark Gates 0.8.0 — 10 Jun, 2014
Pygame.org account Comments
Mekire 2012-10-29 09:01
A little disappointed that you have decided to ask for money for this already. Was looking forward to seeing what improvements you had made.
Kaliber64 2012-11-11 11:07
The movement does look a little sluggish. But looks really cool. I love random. I also love games that never end but can remain fun and always evolving. Games that basically make their own content as you go. Really hard to balance though.
Margaruga 2013-03-03 10:47
Great, I like it
Your MOM! 2013-04-07 07:55
You should make a demo version. Or a cutoff without payment. I mean Its obvious that you put a lot of work into it, but that doesnt mean its worth 10 bucks to me (or even 7 on sale). A demo version might get me hooked and wanting more, willling to sacrifice 10 bucks just to check it out. I mean currently as is, i would fork over 2-3 bucks to check it out, but with only a video to watch, i wouldnt go higher. I mean you just recently added a save feature to it. This game looks like it has potential, and thus the only reason i wrote this comment. Just giving my two cents.
Braqoon 2013-04-14 15:37
Hi, thanks for your comment. Yes, there will be a demo in near feature when I will finish all the art. There is a full version 0.2 in meantime if you want to see how it works. core mechanics are there but bugs as well :).
Forgot to mention, Dark Gates are now on sale till the end of April.
metulburr 2013-12-29 05:40
As much as i disagree with the price, i voted for it to get on steam. Maybe if it gets on steam you would consider a reduced price for a deal at that point.