Sokoban - 1.00
A cute sokoban clone with fancy graphics and sound.
Jordan Trudgett
My first pygame project! Should run fine on a decent computer.
Final version. No further additions planned.
Custom levels are not very hard to make/add to the game. Game has support for unlimited levels. Look in levels/
folder and you should get the gist of it.
Contact: (no Q)
Changed to Sourceforge!
Made small optimisations for slower computers/computer with poor graphics capabilities. Made sound adjustments for compatibility with nearly all soundcards.
[pygame.mixer.init(44100) -> pygame.mixer.init()]
Please note that this is my first pygame game and is not very well written/optimised. You will need a decent processor and video card to play the game at an acceptable speed. Also, the game may run a tad too fast if your computer is a beast. (Not too much to worry about for a step-based game.)
These faults have been looked at and won't be present (hopefully) in my next project!