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Hyperion Python Remake - 2.0-idkhowtomakeversionnumbers

I made this game first in gamemaker 8 back in middle school, wanted to remake it in pygame now that I have learned python

4 level sidescroller similar to asteroids or galaga, each level is based on the score, get a certain score to advance to the next level. First game in python, so there will probably be small glitches or other bugs, and it runs a bit slow. Used the modules PySimpleGUI, random, and obviously PyGame for this project, all are needed to run.


4 level sidescroller similar to asteroids or galaga, each level is based on the score, get a certain score to advance to the next level. First game in python, so there will probably be small glitches or other bugs, and it runs a bit slow. Used the modules PySimpleGUI, random, and obviously PyGame for this project, all are needed to run.


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Hyperion Python Remake 2.0-idkhowtomakeversionnumbers — 22 Jun, 2020 account Comments