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PyArena - 0.3

A top-down, arena-style shooter.

Ryan Norris
This is a project I started a while back, at the moment it's a basic engine, with some simple AI. I am hoping to make this into a 4ish player networked arena style game. Controls: WASD = Movement Mouse = Aim Left Click = Fire R = Reload Space = Reflective Shield Numbers 1-8 = Select Weapons Weapons: 1. Pistol - Slow and weak, but unlimited ammo. 2. Assault Rifle - Rapid Fire, low damage shots. Medium Sized Clip. 3. Shotgun - Widespread spray of bullets. Useful at close range. 4. Sniper Rifle - Slow firing, but powerful and accurate. 5. Cluster Rifle - Fires a bomb which explodes into many flak fragments which cause damage to everything around it. 6. Minigun - Like the assult rifle, but less accurate and faster firing. Deals more damage, but clip runs down faster. 7. Flak Cannon - Similar to the shotgun, but fires more, weaker shots which bounce of walls. Also has less spread and a larger clip. 8. Black Hole - Creates a black hole. This has a gravitational pull which effects all players and bullets. Also damages players who are in the centre of it. Very powerful. Changing your enemies/map: The default map is an area with 5 blocks of walls and a single enemy wielding a shotgun. The "Data/corners.lvl" file contains the level data. Each set of 2 characters is a cell: 00 = Blank XX = Wall A0 = Player Bn = Enemy, with n being the number of which weapon they have. Enjoy this engine. Hopefully i'll get round to networking it soon!



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PyArena 0.3 — 8 Sep, 2007 account Comments