Rubiks Cube - 1.15
Program for looking of solutions of the Rubik's Cube
Krzysztof Król
Here's my first program in Python using PyGame. It calls "kostka", that means cube. It's a program for searching the solution to Rubik's Cube. It works like this:
You program some combination of movements by clicking on arrows arround the spread-ed cube, and then click the Run Test button. After that, program will shuffle the Rubik's cube and begin to do every combination one by one from the list of movements that you program earlier. It looks if the puzzle is solved or after full run is the combination of blocks on the cube is identical with the start combination. If it is then the program will tell you how many movements have been before the puzzle had looped, and if it is not the whole loop start again.
The object of that puzzle is to find out is there any combination that repeated over and over will eventually solve the Rubik's Cube. I wish you lots of fun with this program and good luck.
The previous version was mising couple of files and didnt execute. So here's one more time a working version :)
Rubiks Cube 1.15 — 6 Aug, 2007
Rubiks Cube 1.0 — 30 Jul, 2007