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Snake 1v1 - 1.0

Snake game for 2 players!

Nikos Tsitsopoulakis
Snake 1v1 is a classic snake game for 2 players on 1 computer. There is more to it that just eating apples to increase your score; booster power-ups will spawn at random times that may help you keep your score up or turn the game around. Newer version includes fullscreen support and many more customization options (choose snake colours, player names etc)! Play by running the .py file.


Snake 1v1 is a classic snake game for 2 players on 1 computer. There is more to it that just eating apples to increase your score; booster power-ups will spawn at random times that may help you keep your score up or turn the game around.


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Snake 1v1 1.0 — 9 Sep, 2017

Snake 1v1 1.1 — 11 Sep, 2017

Snake 1v1 1.2 — 10 Oct, 2017 account Comments