PiGlass - 1.0a1
PiGlass is a Google Glass clone using a Raspberry Pi powered by Python and Pygame.
Adam Furman
Software for a Google Glass clone using a Raspberry Pi and Python.
To run, open the "start.py" file in the root directory.
All of PiGlass' utilities are in the piglass.py file.
This is an EARLY DEVELOPMENT BUILD and features may be broken, buggy, or simply not present. It includes several apps: The "home" app, a clock, weather app, wifi manager (untested), and an app for querying wolfram|alpha.
Repository for apps: https://sites.google.com/site/piglassapps/repository
- Home Page
- https://github.com/furmada/PiGlass
- Source
- https://github.com/furmada/PiGlass