Lynx Breakout v.Alpha - Alpha
A simple breakout Game.
Ryan McLean
Lynx Breakout v.Alpha Alpha — 31 Jan, 2012 account Comments
tommihelander 2012-01-31 21:21
I gave the game a test run and here are my initial thoughts:
The game doesn't run with Python 3.2, because BALL_RADIUS constant is a float and function seems to allow only integers in Python 3. You could use typecasting, like this:
BALL_RADIUS = int(BALL_DIAMETER / 2)to make BALL_RADIUS an integer. This way the game will work with both Python 2 & 3! \o/The game doesn't quit correctly, because sys.exit is used instead of sys.exit() in the events loop.The paddle could move a little bit faster, because it's pretty hard to keep up with the ball even if trying to estimate the ball's intentions.Anyway, a good start, and keep those updates coming!
josmiley 2012-02-01 00:21
aberrant rebounds
use double slash: BALL_RADIUS = BALL_DIAMETER // 2good job anyway