Cargo Carrier - 1.13
While flying your Millennium Falcon (original, right?), collect cargo while out-maneuvering and destroying asteroids.
Brock Glaze

Cargo Carrier 1.1 — 12 Sep, 2011
Cargo Carrier 1.12 — 13 Sep, 2011
Cargo Carrier 1.13 — 15 Sep, 2011
Cargo Carrier 1.0 — 11 Sep, 2011 account Comments
g30c0d3r 2011-09-11 19:55
Thank you for the advice. I REALLY appreciate the input about the code. I am going to change that asap.
Also, I appreciate the advice on functionality, and I love the
suggestion. My wife actually commented that it's weird that the smaller
rocks are just as destructive as the biggest rocks. So, I am going to
implement shield power (ie health bar), and different damage depending
on rock size.Thanks again for your input! Hopefully I'll have the new version up as soon as I get some free time to add those things.
Brian Zimmerman 2011-09-20 16:38
No matter what version of Cargo Carrier I try, I get the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "cargo_carrier.pyw", line 555, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main(1, 9999, 40)
File "cargo_carrier.pyw", line 302, in main
icon = ccfuncs.load_image('data/icon.ico', True)
File "C:\Documents and Settings\zimmeb5\My Documents\Downloads\Cargo_Carrier\", line 292, in load_image
image = pygame.image.load(file_name)
pygame.error: Unsupported image formatIs there something I need to get Pygame to display .ico images?
Juan 2013-06-18 23:55
my computer is a PIV with xp sp 3, 512mb ram and gforce2 mx 400, i can not run the game......
Python 2.7.5 (default, May 15 2013, 22:43:36) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Juan\Escritorio\CargoCarrier-9-15-11-script\cargo_carrier.pyw", line 315, in <module>
game = Game()
File "C:\Documents and Settings\Juan\Escritorio\CargoCarrier-9-15-11-script\cargo_carrier.pyw", line 32, in __init__
self.icon = pygame.image.load('data/icon.ico')
error: Unsupported image formatbut runs fine in the same computer with xubuntu 12.04
vadash_bengals 2014-06-06 06:01
click on link, but it doesnt work. HELP!!!