Omega - 0.1.2
Space shooter in the works utilizing Pyglet and Rabbyt.
note: If you give the game a shot but encounter some errors starting it up, copy the included file avbin.dll to your /System32 and /sysWOW64 folders. It's what decodes all the sound effects and music.
Releases account Comments
john 2011-09-03 17:43
"", line 68, in <module>File
"pyglet\resource.pyc", line 587, in mediaFile
"pyglet\media\__init__.pyc", line 1386, in loadFile
"pyglet\media\riff.pyc", line 199, in Not a WAVE file
ZombieMariachis 2011-09-03 18:34
note: If it fails to load, or you hear no sound, install avbin.dll located in the 'sound driver' folder included in the zip.
It will work if you install the sound drivers that pyglet uses, i promise.
TTzim 2011-09-04 00:48
Pretty nice. Act 2 is crazy!
Anonymous 2013-05-27 23:21
This is one of the coolest games on this site!