NanoBomber - 694B
A Canyon bomber in <1K! (694B exactly) Press space to start and score as many points as possible in one minute!
Hewitt Squared Labs
A game inspired by a couple of snake games being made as byte compact as possible. Press space to drop a bomb, the squares to the right are worth more points. (the ones that turn black anyways)
Warning! code is currently broken! see below for details
(Numbered in order of pseudo-importance)
from pygame import * D=display;L=D.set_mode((640,224)).fill;P=B=F=C=E=0;M=32;H=D.set_caption; def I(): for e in event.get(): if e.type==12:z if e.type==2: if e.key==27:z if e.key==32:return 1 while 1: time.Clock().tick(10) if E>0: P-=32 if P<0:P=639 if F:B+=32 else:F=I() if B>223:F=0;B=0 if B>64:C+=T[B/M][P/M][0];T[B/M][P/M][0]=0 E-=0.1;H("Score:%s Time:%s"%(C,E)) else: H("Game Over Score:%s (space to start)"%(C));F=I() if F:E=60;P=F=B=C=0;T=[[[x+1,x,y]for x in range(20)]for y in range(7)] L(0) for t in T: for s in t: g,x,y=s if g: j=255-x*12;L((j,255,j),((x*M,y*M),(M,M))) L(255,((P+8,B+8),(2,2)));L(16711680,((P,0),(M*2,M)));D.flip()Seriously considering a easier to read dev version!
- Byte count is using LF (linefeed) endings NOT CRLF(cairrage-return/linefeed) since gedit won't use CRLF.
- There is probably many things that could be done to make it shorter(much shorter) but it's working! (sort of :))
- Make "plane" fly all the time and only activate "bombs" when timer is going down.(It might make the code smaller)
- Make the top two rows of "blocks" black. They're not because
won't make the first 40 sub-sub lists of T = [0,0,0]! (thinking about it, it should actually be:T[:2][:][0]=0
to change the color...) - Move "plane" in pixel increments instead of 32p blocks
- Make "bomb" bigger. (Hard to see right now)
NanoBomber 694B — 18 Apr, 2010