Ishara TCG - 0.2
A simple trading card game I originally made back in middle school.
In my many searches on the internet, I've never found ANY free-and-open-source Trading Card Game-like programs. So that, along with a nostalgia frenzy, inspired me to remake my old one.
The Ishara TCG is a very simple trading card game that I made back in middle school. There's a half-finished manual in the download, but it's probably simple enough that you could jump right in and play it.
Requires Python >=2.5 and Pygame >=1.8
Release 0.2 shows the basic core of the game. Everything should be totally set up for the game logic and user-input, as well as saving and loading. You can also create and save decks, if you can figure out the interface. This release is not designed to be user-friendly. Once I get the core down, I can focus on appearance.
When you start the program, simply enter the username and password of your file and click on "register" to create the file. Then use "login" to start up your game.
Version 0.3 will be the most important one, since that's when I expect to set up the networking for the game. If anyone gets any weird errors, please let me know. I want to make sure the core of the game is working before I try to get networking hacked together.