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UD Bricks

Breakout clone created in PyGame

Lost the Plot

Generates mazes with a 'Depth first search' algorithm. Then solves them using A*.


An arcade game where the object is to clear away the blocks on the screen by hitting them with the ball, controlled by four paddles on each side of the screen, without letting the ball leave the screen.

yet another astroids clone

yet another astroids clone


BreakAll is the first Wolfcode made game. Wolfcode is my personal project about gamedev and i hope to become a real company.


2d game world and sprite management library

Find a Way

A pathfinding demo demonstrating A*


a tank game look like fc tank game


Thera is a bullet hell computer game. It depends on both python 2.x and the associated pygame. It is licensed under the simplified bsd license.


Gummworld2 is a pygame framework for a scrolling game, where the map is larger than the display. It emphasizes simplicity and performance.


A GUI toolkit for Pygame, to ease game development for Pygame developers. Works with no code change with a normal Pygame display or with an OpenGL display. This is a lightweight toolkit, with focus on the attention to detail. It is also customisable, allowing developers to theme the widgets to match their game.

Simple OpenGL Game

A simple game made with OpenGL, Pygame, and PyODE.

Tygame - GUI Project

The purpose of the tygame library is to allow the use of GUI objects to quickly and simply build GUI while still using the many features that pygame has to offer. It shares a simlar style of coding to tkinter (a python GUI library). Please note that this is still in the early phase of development so there will be bugs. If you find some please notify me on this page.


PyTetris() is a Tetris clone for Python and pygame.


PyGameZine issue 0 is chock full of articles about pygame, and interviews with people using pygame. It was inspired by the magazines that people used to type code out of into their comodore 64s, or z80 spectrums plugged into their TVs. It also draws inspiration from demo discs, and the whole zine movement. The authors are pygame contributors and developers. We would like to try and fund some pygame open source/FOSS development, and pay for things like server hosting fees. So if you like, you can choose how much you would like to support pygame.

make it alive

a simple implementation of the conway game of life

the game starts in a paused state
hold the left mouse button down+space, draw and press "p"

Multiproc Pygame

Python multiprocessing abstraction module with examples in pygame

Life as a Bit

A full-featured cellular automata simulator. The focus is on "Conway's Game of Life." With the 'Rule Panel' you can also explore other rule combinations.

Jet Pakman

Train as James Bond in his youth! Shoot your wrist laser at the targets!


OpenMOO2 is planned to be an open source clone of Microprose game "Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares", one of the best 4X turn-based strategy games set in space

Way of the Stick

A stick figure fighting game where you can create your own movesets and share them with friends.


Measure and increase your ESP by guessing the zener cards and more.


A graphical experiment builder for the social sciences

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