A simple graphical joystick test application, that actually visualizes axes, buttons, hats, and trackballs.
David H. Bronke
A simple graphical joystick test application, that actually visualizes axes, buttons, hats, and trackballs.
Get the app using Bazaar:
bzr branch pygame-joystick
Releases account Comments
Guest 2012-02-06 20:44
great work! Is it just me, or is pygame quite low-level, when it comes to joysticks?
Noapplepie 2012-07-23 08:11
it is extremely low level when it comes to joystick right now I am trying to figure out a way for it to tell the difference between -0.20 through 0.20(up) and not 0.20 through -0.20(down).(this is for moving) I am also trying to get the players angle to match the angle of the axis(going for a top down game will probably later take it and make isometric games after I get this perspective done as it is easy to do that kinda) at least left and right I will have no issues with just up and down and diagnle
n1ki7o 2012-04-30 21:36
I cant try it!