Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1
When the melons of the world are stolen, Georg must go on a quest to save the worldâ??s melons supply. Collect watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydews (and various other items) as you battle your way through maze-like levels, spitting seeds at enemies. This side-scrolling game features all original graphics plus an original soundtrack sure to drive you bonkers.
T R Bradshaw

Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 0.5 — 6 Apr, 2009
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 0.5.1 — 15 Apr, 2009
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 1.0 — 26 Jan, 2011
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 1.0.0 — 14 Aug, 2010