PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities
A collection of handy modules and scripts for PyGame.
Peter Rogers
- Home Page
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.5 — 7 Oct, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.1.0pre — 24 Jul, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.10.1 — 24 Feb, 2006
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.10.2 — 13 Mar, 2006
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.3 — 25 Aug, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.9 — 1 Dec, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.1.0 — 4 Aug, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.6 — 24 Oct, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.7 — 19 Nov, 2005
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.16 — 16 Mar, 2011
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.10.3 — 7 Apr, 2006
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.10.6 — 25 Mar, 2007
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.10.5 — 1 Sep, 2006
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.10 — 11 Feb, 2006
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.12.2 — 1 Mar, 2009
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.12.1 — 23 Feb, 2009
PGU - Phil's pyGame Utilities 0.14 — 3 Jan, 2011 account Comments
Zhangyrmath 2011-06-12 01:20
good!I'll have a try on that
Happyfanatic 2012-04-08 19:51
I downloaded PGU to use the iso engine. The example code makes reference to a set of "tilevid tutorials" They are not included in the download; I couldn't find them on the homepage, or by google search. Anyone know if these exist anymore?
beginner 2012-04-18 01:07
class TestDialog(gui.Dialog):
def __init__(this):
title = gui.Label("Some Dialog Box")
label = gui.Label("The number now is ")
gui.Dialog.__init__(this, title, label)how can i add a global variable inside the label ?? I cannot do something like :
class TestDialog(gui.Dialog): def __init__(this): global s title = gui.Label("Some Dialog Box") label = gui.Label("
The number now is", s) gui.Dialog.__init__(this, title, label)where every time i click a button s increases
Magnus D 2012-10-28 21:22
When clicking the close button on the example windows, I do not succeed to close any of them. I am using Python3. Can someone help? I am reffering to the examples that ship with the package itself.
rob00 2013-01-11 03:19
>>>from pgu import gui
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\pgu\gui\", line 21, in <module>from .container import Container
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packges\pgu\gui\", line 57
except StyleError,e:SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Floriusin 2014-12-26 13:20
Just go into pgu/gui/ and in update() edit "except StyleError,e:" to "except StyleError as e:" and then reinstall
fjkdasilva 2013-07-17 16:42
It is not clear how one gets access to values returned from PGU apps in a pygame program. Can anyone help?
Bir Bikram Dey 2014-01-01 21:39
I am not sure how to even install this to windows.
Is it me or pygame is not windows friendly :(canine828 2016-02-27 22:45
Pygame is Windows friendly. I have Windows on my school laptop (my parents won't let me put Linux on it), and it works pretty well. Just install Python, open the command prompt, and type C:\Python27\python.exe C:\path\to\the\pge\setup\python\file\ install
Or add C:\Python27 and C:\Python27\Scripts to your Path, open a command prompt, CD to the folder with your PGE file, and type python install
Judicaël 2014-05-07 19:52
copy paste cmd.exe into the pgu folder, write the command python install
Anony 2014-09-20 22:25
How to install and use this exactly?
canine828 2016-02-27 22:42
This is good, but there should be a clean simple Oxygen-ish theme built in. The last thing I want to do is rifle through my filesystem, find out that it's all generated by Qt, and use screenshots to make the gui.
Stam Kaly 2016-07-02 14:33
If you get error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 84, in <module>
File "./", line 33, in main
os.path.walk('data', visit, installdatafiles)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'walk'You can delete ".path" in "os.path.walk('data', visit, installdatafiles)"
João S. O. Bueno 2019-04-19 19:05
There is a new release from April, 2019 - all syntax have been migrated to Python 3, and the project can be installed with `pip install pygame-pgu` -